Justin P. Dickerson

Computing Professional

Software Engineer

Professional Site


I am Justin Dickerson, a software engineering professional and welcome to my redesigned website. A sampling of technologies that I work with include .Net/C#, MERN w/ Next.js, and Ruby on Rails along with Android for mobile devices. Additionally, have exposure to the following programming languages: Java, Kotlin, Python, JavaScript, and others. Within the projects section of the website, Tailwind CSS & Material Tailwind is utilized to create the scoped slideshow. Interested in offering employment, then my resume can be viewed/downloaded via the buttons below for the preferred format. A recruiter? Download my resume and send an email along with a job description/project requirements. All requests are reviewed and will reach out if there is a potential fit. Have a wonderful day!



The site is organized into experience, projects, courses, credentials, blog, and links. To go back home then click, Home within the navigation. Experience is a listing of professional and volunteer experiences where as projects is where featured projects are shown via a slideshow. For courses & credentials, these are fetched from an Express server and are displayed appropriately to demonstrate different ways of displaying data. The blog page is reduced set of Medium articles authored by me and it is set to display 3 articles. Lastly, the links are a list (collection) of links where I give credit to the creators of the technologies & tools that allow not only myself but everyone else to create for the mobile, web, and beyond.